The upcoming dark comedy Apocalypse Clown with Ivan Kaye as part of the leading cast has seen its world premiere on 14th July 2023 at the Galway Film Fleadh and subsequently won the Best Irish Film award at the festival on 16th July 2023.

A week later, the movie had its North-American premiere at the Canadian Fantasia Film Festival in Montréal on 21st July 2023, with a second screening on 23rd July 2023.
Following the successful screenings, a couple of reviews and interviews with the director and writer have been published that expand on the plot and characters, including Ivan’s The Great Alphonso, as well as an article revealing the regions that will be covered by the international release (no dates available yet).

Apocalypse Clown has sold to Capstone Pictures (through Telepool) for the US and Canada; Telepool for German-speaking territories; Njuta for Scandinavia, MCF Megacom for the Adriatics; Arna Media for Russia and CIS; Pictureworks for India; and Aardwolf for airlines.
Mona Tabbara on Screendaily, 17th July 2023
Interview with director George Kane (07:07 on Ivan Kaye, 08:20 on The Great Alphonso)
Interview with George Kane and Shane O’Brien (05:50 on Alphonso’s theme park Alphonso Land, 06:44 on The Great Alphonso)